RAPIDS Maintainers Docs

RAPIDS projects use an established set of guidelines and procedures for all projects. These are available for the community to review and provide feedback on.

Intended audience


Project Leads


Release v24.08 Schedule

NOTE: Dates are subject to change at anytime. Completed release schedules are posted here.

Phase Start End Duration
Development (cuDF/RMM/rapids-cmake/cugraph-ops/raft/dask-cuda/ucx-py) Thu, May 16, 2024 Wed, Jul 17, 2024 40 days
Development (others) Thu, May 23, 2024 Wed, Jul 24, 2024 40 days
Burn Down(cuDF/RMM/rapids-cmake/cugraph-ops/raft/dask-cuda/ucx-py) Thu, Jul 18, 2024 Wed, Jul 24, 2024 5 days
Burn Down (others) Thu, Jul 25, 2024 Wed, Jul 31, 2024 5 days
Code Freeze/Testing (cuDF/RMM/rapids-cmake/cugraph-ops/raft/dask-cuda/ucx-py) 1 Thu, Jul 25, 2024 Tue, Aug 6, 2024 9 days
Code Freeze/Testing (others) Thu, Aug 1, 2024 Tue, Aug 6, 2024 4 days
Release Wed, Aug 7, 2024 Thu, Aug 8, 2024 2 days

PROPOSED Release v24.10 Schedule

Phase Start End Duration
Development (cuDF/RMM/rapids-cmake/cugraph-ops/raft/dask-cuda/ucx-py) Thu, Jul 18, 2024 Wed, Sep 18, 2024 42 days
Development (others) Thu, Jul 25, 2024 Wed, Sep 25, 2024 42 days
Burn Down(cuDF/RMM/rapids-cmake/cugraph-ops/raft/dask-cuda/ucx-py) Thu, Sep 19, 2024 Wed, Sep 25, 2024 5 days
Burn Down (others) Thu, Sep 26, 2024 Wed, Oct 2, 2024 5 days
Code Freeze/Testing (cuDF/RMM/rapids-cmake/cugraph-ops/raft/dask-cuda/ucx-py) 1 Thu, Sep 26, 2024 Tue, Oct 8, 2024 9 days
Code Freeze/Testing (others) Thu, Oct 3, 2024 Tue, Oct 8, 2024 4 days
Release Wed, Oct 9, 2024 Thu, Oct 10, 2024 2 days
  1. Cross-library dependencies are pinned during this time-frame. For example: Dask and Distributed.  2

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